There comes a time life where you can't think of anything. It may come during school, during work or just anytime you are forced to do something all of the time. For example, I am have this blog page because it is required for a class and in this class we have to upload three times a week. When I look at other blog post written by professionals who may do it for their job, they maybe upload once or twice every couple of weeks. Since I am forced to write three posts a week, it becomes tough to think of what to write. I am actually only writing this because I have writer's block and am very annoyed at my teacher. I guess though I can give you tips for when you may have writers block and they are what I usually use when I get writers block. I am not using them now because I am tired of writing and being creative.
The first thing I usually go to is looking at other people's blog, that may include peoples blogs from my class or professional blogs. Usually when I do this, I'll look at their posts and try to create my own version of it or get an idea from it. It works most of the time but if you are like me right now and don't feel the creativity flowing then I suggest you skip this tip.
For the less creative side, just go to google and type in ideas for ... and just look through the results. I usually type in idea for blog posts on lifestyle, and I can usually find multiple different things to write about.
Another thing could be to look around your area or room and find an object, once you find an object, try to branch off different things with it. For example, I am looking at clock and clock has to do with time, oh I can write about how to use time efficiently, or what you can do to past the time. This one you do have to be pretty creative with, but if you find the right thing, you can make many ideas.
Writers block happens to me very often, and I am pretty sure that is the same way for many other people. I've seen different types of block, like on Project Runway, you see the designers have no creativity left when it comes to making their own line for New York Fashion Week, so they try to go out and find inspiration or they just take some time away from designing and come back with a fresh mind. I think don't think writers block is necessarily a bad thing, it just means you are doing too much of something and you need to take a breather. Hopefully these tips helped or you have your own, but this did help me with my writers block by writing about it, so theres another tip I guess.
**images provided by Google
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