Right after Christmas there are always the best deals everywhere, and where I scored big was at Bath and Body Works. My favorite thing to have around my room are candles because they give off that calming feeling and smell. My favorite type of candle to get is the three wick candles, but those are always crazy expensive so when I see a deal for them I go crazy. When I went into Bath and Body works, they had the candle, London. London is the one place I want to travel to, I have always been obsessed with it, so when I saw the London candle I was over the moon.
Now the scent of the candle is lemon and tea, I was not surprised with the tea part because everyone knows that English people love their tea just like Americans love their coffee. The scent that did surprise me though was the lemon, because I didn't know how well that would mesh together. I love the scent lemon by itself but when added to the tea smell, it smells even more amazing.

Right away when I smelled the candle, it smelled like the drink Arnold Palmer. Arnold Palmer is the drink created by Arnold Palmer himself, and it is just tea and lemonade mixed together. Thankfully I love the drink, so it is like a win- win, amazing candle smell and amazing drink to think of. I think Bath and Body Works did a great job with this candle.
**images provided by Google
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