When you listen to music, why are you listening to it? Are you listening to music because you are doing homework, working out, maybe meditation, or just because you want to? That is what is amazing about music, there is never a bad time to listen to music, well maybe if your are in class then yes that might be a bad time. Other than that, music is amazing for many situations, and I'm going to let you in on those situations.
Picture this, the friends you usually sit with at lunch are sick or just not at school that day. Are you just going to sit there and think about how lonely you are? No, you can pop in your headphones and jam out to your favorite songs! You can easily turn a boring situation around to having the best time just listening to your music.
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Say you are doing homework and it is just mindless work, and you are starting to get bored. All you have to do is turn on some music and you change boring homework into fun homework, not wanting to be done with it. This has happened to me multiple times, and just by simply hitting play, homework can be so much less boring. Also it can help you focus more, you could be nodding off but if you have music playing, it will be hard to fall asleep while doing your homework.
Here is a different scenario for you that can really help with your daily life. Meditation is the best relaxing and mind relieving exercise you can do. The most relaxing part of it is the background music, the calming soothing vibe of music. The place that I have found this relaxing music is from Pandora or Spotify. They have an amazing playlist for meditation/relaxation music.
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The last situation is when you are exercising. The best kind of motivation to keep going and work harder is having music blast from the speakers or your headphones. Just think about what it would be like exercising with nothing playing out, boring right. Just by blasting out your favorite tunes, you
could have an amazing workout that you never want to end.
Music can spice any situation up really, it does not matter where you are. The beauty of music is the chance to be able to change a boring, tense, or sad situation into a powerful, joyful, or rocking situation. No matter what type of music you like, it can instantly change your mood.
I really love that you choose music, I was debating it and didn;t know how to roll with it but you do. like the way you chose to find all aspects of it and not just your point of view. I saw that you also chose to write about concerts and sporting events, I haven't read it yet but maybe you could write one on how going to them is better then listening/ watching them at home is better! Your doing a really good job so far! :)