When you go into your room you should feel comfort. Your room should be the place where you can go to if you're having a bad day or anxiety is creeping up, and you can just relax. Personally for me, my room is the one place in my house that is all mine, I can do whatever I want to do with it. It can range from what I put on my wall, how I arrange the furniture, or what overall is in my room. Basically as soon as you walk into your room, you should get that feeling that this is solely my room and it is safe to express yourself however you want to. If you do not feel this way when you walk into your room, I can help you out with a couple of tips.
Photo provided by Ikea |
First start by putting up things on your wall that you like. For example, you can put up quotes that you like or admire, you can put up certain bands/artists posters, or you can go the seasonal route. For my room, I have one wall dedicated to just band/youtube posters and the rest of the walls are for my seasonal decor. Overall, put anything up on your wall that makes you smile or happy when you look at it.
Next decorate your room with your favorite colors, colors that will make you smile when you walk into your room. An easy way to do this is first start with a rug color, you may already have carpet down but there is no problem with putting a small rug on top of it. It could be an artsy/intricate design or just a simple color to match a color theme.
Another easy way to decorate your with your favorite colors is your bed sprea
d. If you have a color theme going on, you can easily find a bed spread to match it. For me, buying a new bed spread is of my favorite things to do. There are SO many choices of bed spreads to choose from, it is all up to what kind of style you like.
Photo provided by zoella.co.uk blog |
The last tip is one of my favorite ways of making my room a comfortable place, it is candles. When you walk into your room and you are automatically hit with your favorite scent, it makes your mood go up instantly. With me my favorite season is fall, so when fall comes around I whip out all of my fall candles, and once the smell hits me, I become very content. This one is probably the easiest one to do and the one that makes me the happiest.
These few tips I have just shared with you are the easiest ways I have found to create my comfort place. It's crazy how knowing that one space is yours and you can do whatever you want with it is amazing. By creating this space it could help with calming you down from a bad day or maybe if you anxiety. I highly recommend everyone to do this with your rooms, or just any room in general because it is the best feeling to walk into your room and feel secure.
I love how you describe it with full details. You used great descriptive words that make you want to go home and decorate your room!