the more depressed you will become. Also yes, December 31st-January 1st, are all about partying and celebrating new things, but as soon as that wears off you start to realize there is nothing to look forward to in the near future. No holidays no nothing.
January is probably the worst month because there is that huge build up to Christmas with all of the gift giving, eating lots of good food, and just relaxing because hey, Christmas is coming. There is so much joy and celebration in the months of October, November and December with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas to all look forward to. Once January hits, that is when you get the cold bucket of water dumped on you telling you it is time to get back to work or school. You also become very sad because the next thing that is coming up is Valentines Day, and lets face it, not many people really look forward to that, unless you are a chocolate lover.
If you are going back to school or work, January is your wake up call. Holiday is over, no more sitting around doing nothing and no more staying up into the late hours of the night binge watching Netflix. You have to go back and maybe face finals at school, or huge work projects that are going to be put into action over the year. January feels like when you just wake up and realize you have to go back to school, dread.
On the other side, January could be the month where you extend your holiday vacation time. You could have a job that pays you well, or you worked very hard leading up to Christmas so you could relax for most of January. January could be the month where you just sit back and think about what you accomplished last year and what you want to accomplish this year.
This post has turned into more of a rant on the why I strongly dislike January, but there has to be other people who agree with me. Personally, January is just a lost month. January is like a belly button, they are pointless and you don't get excited over belly buttons, unless you pierce it but I don't like needles, so that is not happening. My point is, January has nothing to look forward to and it brings disappointment for many people, not all but many.
**pictures provided by Google
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