When the new year rolls around, we have the ideas of new things we want to start doing and all of the things we want to change. For some people though, they didn't even get to start anything in their new year. Recently we found out about the death of David Bowie, Alan Rickman, and Glenn Frey. Those deaths shocked the world and what's crazy is, they still had a lot left to do in their lives, so many projects that won't ever be touched by them again, and so many records and movies that they will not grace us with their presence in.

David Bowie was a very talented man. We knew him best for his voice and ability to make amazing music and not only that, he was very successful for his acting ability too. David Bowie had so much more to do, and actually two days before he died, he had released his album; "Blackstar". The success this album has had is incredible, and the sad thing is, he doesn't get to be here to witness the success and to be congratulated like he should be. The loss of David Bowie hit harder to the 60's-80's generation because they were able to really appreciate all of the talents. David Bowie died at the age of 69 from cancer, and hopefully some day there will be a cure because cancer really sucks.

Alan Rickman or better known as "Snape" from
Harry Potter, also died at the age of 69, four days after David Bowie died and also because of cancer. Alan Rickman was very famous for his role in
Harry Potter, we saw his dark side and in some very rare, soft sides in the movie. Not only did he act in that movie, Alan Rickman, acted in other very successful movies, and he was a director. The death of this man was closer to my heart because I grew up watching
Harry Potter, and Professor Snape was definitely a character to watch, he did such an amazing job coming off as the man who has no emotion and loves no one, when in real life, this man is so caring and so loving.
Glenn Frey was an absolute legend, this man was in the band "The Eagles", and boy did he not stop for anything. Glenn Frey was still very present in the music industry when he died, this one was a huge shock. Glenn Frey had been not only a guitarist in his band, he could play the keyboard and the piano. This death also hit the hardest for the 60's-80's generation as well when he first founded the band "the Eagles". Glenn Frey died four days after Alan Rickman, from intestinal problems at the age of 67.
As when every year starts that is when people think that they can leave their problems in 2016, but in all reality you can't. 2016 has started as a wakeup call really, the people you used to look up to is dead because of things that we have not found a good cure to. Hopefully as the year goes on we can find good ways to pay tribute to these amazing people.
**pictures provided by Google