Now the book is about a fifteen year old girl who was introduced to drugs because she went to a party and someone laced the drinks with LSD. From then on she literally has been on a rollercoaster journey. When I first started reading the book, I did not like it. I have never come in contact with drugs or people who have done drugs or are currently doing them, so I was a little grossed out by what this person was doing because she was so addicted to drugs.
As I read the book though, it interested me by how this girl left her very loving family to go live with druggies in run down apartments, and then she would finally realize how stupid she is and go back to her family and then go back with her druggie buddies and then go back to her family. It really showed me that it is hard to quit an addiction you have and that even if you are done with it, a little part of it is always with you, not letting you go of your past.
This book is entirely written in journal entries by the fifteen year old girl. Throughout the book each entry will have the date and month she wrote it, but when it does come to the parts in the book where she leaves her family, the dates are unknown and they have (?) instead. The reason this book is written by anonymous is because the person who wrote these entries did not want her name to be know, probably because of all of the traumatic stuff she went through. All of the names and places have also been changed as well.
I believe this book is for anyone, every teenager should read this because it shows you the horrors that drugs can bring you. Even if you think you have overcome your addiction, you have not. The people you have encountered through it will never leave you, the experiences you went through from the drugs will never leave you. The want for that drug will never leave you. I have heard though that this book can actually make people want to try drugs so they can experience the "amazing" things that this girl experienced. "Go Ask Alice" is a book that will open your eyes to some of the stuff that people try to push from their minds, this stuff actually does happen.
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