Christmas shopping has two sides, stressful and joy. The stress comes from when you have you do the actual shopping and then watching your bank account drain. The joy comes from when you get to watch the people open your presents and hopefully like what you got them. Christmas shopping can also be stressful and happy at the same time because when you find the perfect present, everything seems to just fall into place.
When going shopping for Christmas presents you are usually buying gifts for friends and family. That is kind of a lot of pressure because you don't want to be know as the friend or family member that gives out pointless or meaningless gifts. That is where the stress comes in but hopefully in the end you find the perfect present for each person and all of that stress is worth it.
Another thing that I have noticed as I've grown up is, adults don't really enjoy Christmas as much as I thought they did. As a kid growing up you always think everyone is the happiest when Christmas rolls around. Think again. Christmas seems to be a burden for some people for different reasons, they may not have the money to get the gifts that their family wants or they don't like spending the time and trying to get gifts for people. It is kind of sad to think that people would think getting a gift for your loved one is a burden, the whole point of getting someone of gift is to see the joy in their face when they open the item you have purchased or made for them, it's a different story if you don't have the money, but what is better than seeing the joy that you have caused.

The joy that I think many people love the most about Christmas is gift opening. I am not talking about you opening a gift from someone else, I am talking about the person you bought a gift for opening their present. I touched on this in the paragraph above but, I think there is nothing better then getting someone a gift that brings them joy. What is even better is when you see the person bragging about the gift or seeing the person actually enjoy it in their everyday life.

Christmas shopping is different for everyone, you could be the luckiest person ever and get all of the deals and know everything you are going to buy for every single person. Or you could the person that want's to get the best for your loved ones and just don't have the bank account for it, and also just run out of luck on thinking of ideas for the perfect present. The only thing that matters at the end of the day though is when you finally get to watch the person open your present and truly like it. You will go through stressful times but it will all pay off in the end.
**all images are provided by Google
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