Now if you never heard of Lush, that is because it is a U.K based store and they create all of their products in the U.K. I first heard of Lush through Youtube because I generally tend to watch more British vloggers through Youtube and the person that I heard about Lush from is Zoe Sugg, aka Zoella. Lush is a beauty, bath products, hair products, just in general a cosmetic store. They have items ranging from hair products, soaps, face masks, lip balms, perfume, makeup, shower, body scrubs, and their most popular item are bath bombs, I'll get more in detail later.
Now what makes Lush a unique store is that every product is completely natural. Everything is hand made and to prove they are hand made, on the bottles and containers there is a little sticker with the face and name of the person who made the product. Now since everything is organic and all natural and also if you live anywhere else in the world beside the U.K, the prices tend to be a bit more pricey, but if you really think about it, what you are buying is really good quality and handled with care. Another thing about the products is that they make things you have never heard of before. For example, body conditioners, shampoo bars that you have to rub between your hands and then transfer to your hair, solid body tints, shower jellies, etc.
Various bath bombs |
Something that I mentioned earlier are the bath bombs. Bath bombs are these balls that are packed with oils, possibly flower petals, and little fizzy items to spice up your bath. When you drop a bath bomb into your bath tub you get an immediate reaction, usually the bath bomb will start to stream out theses amazing colors and if you picked out one that has items inside like flower petals, cinnamon sticks, glitter, seaweed, they will float out and give your bath an extra special feeling. They make your baths colorful, they make you smell amazing, and they also at the same time make your skin really soft and clean. If you want to see a bath bomb in action, go to Youtube and just type in bath bombs, they are truly amazing and they make you re-think taking baths.

Another amazing thing about Lush is when you actually visit the store. I have gone to Lush multiple times and every time one of the employees will come up to you ask if you would like to try out some of their products. I usually say yes, and what they do is they take you over to a sink and ask you what your favorite scent is or what you want to get. They will then pull out some type of scrub,
moisturizer, lotion, anything that you can rub onto your hands. You get to try out new products that you had never considered before and it makes your hands soft and smell really good. I actually ended buying a body scrub and body conditioner because I really loved how it felt on my skin. You should definitely someday try to find a Lush and go inside because the place smells amazing and the atmosphere is amazing.
If you are looking for new products to try on your hair, face, body, anything really, I highly recommend Lush. Lush makes your hair feel nice and if you have split ends or your hair is just really brittle, the store makes shampoos and conditioners for all hair types. For example, right now I'm using the shampoo Rehab because my hair was starting to get out of control and my mom has natural really curly hair so she is currently using curly whirly as a hair gel to tame her curls. Lush is defiantly one of the cosmetic stores that I think everyone should try at least once because I know nobody would every regret buying a Lush product.
**all images are provided by Google