Halloween is approaching fast, by fast I mean less than a week! Halloween is the day many sci fi, horror, thrill seeking lovers have been waiting for. Actually the whole month of October is when everyone truly celebrates Halloween. There are many way's people express their love for Halloween, it could be through decoration, movies, make-up, haunted houses, pumpkin carving, trick or treating, anything that is scary, dark or involves candy, you name it. Halloween is also the time people associate with fall, because the leaves turn orange and the temperature drops, reminding you of Halloween.

One Halloween tradition that I know everyone has done once, at least in America, is pumpkin carving. Pumpkin carving is probably the second best thing (next to candy) when it comes to Halloween because you can carve anything you want. For me, I always carve whatever I am loving that year, for example I carved 5SOS because it is my favorite band currently. The most common carving is typically a scary face, meaning two triangles for eyes, and a jagged mouth. When I was younger and could not carve very well, that was the face I resorted to. After you de-seed your pumpkin and carved whatever you wanted, you then place a small round candle inside your pumpkin, that way it can be seen in the dark. Putting the candle in really brings alive your pumpkin, and brings the whole thing together.

For the thrill seeking people, haunted houses are your sanctuaries. I have never been to a haunted house before so all of the things I say have come from my friends experiences. When going through a haunted house you typically encounter clowns, axe doctors, blood, darkness, and usually a maze. Now if you get nightmares easily like I do, then haunted houses are not for you. When going through one, you usually endure a fast pace heart beat from the suspense and jump scares. Also you endure either hours of screaming or laughing, my friends were the ones that laughed the whole time, but
from watching videos of other people going through a haunted house, it is usually screaming and then laughing. Haunted houses seem to be more popular as you get older.
Halloween is the best time of the year for fall lovers, horror/thrill lovers, classic halloween movie lovers, etc. There are many things to look forward to, especially if you love to dress as other things or characters/people. It is also the time for children to stock up on as much free candy as possible. In my next two posts, I'll go more in depth on the classic halloween movies everyone loves, and the many different costumes a person can wear.
**all images are provided by Google
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